2012. szeptember 16., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - American Express

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As the song says: "should I stay or should I go (...) if I go there will be trouble, if I stay there will be double..." I also think that you should rather travel - for example to the USA... I guess you can make money that way...

1) It might be enough to travel to the USA once in every 20 years... You will be able to tell that you have been to the USA (!) and this experience could be enough for 20 years... Very feasible...

2) Now if there is harmony in your personality then you don't own a passenger car but travel by public traffic and taxi on the costs of a passenger car - very often to the airport... This generates many much more prestige and experience - I think you are going to attract money...

3) How could you develop as a tourist?

a) An American girl-friend is still very prestigeous...
b) You could invest some money in the USA...
c) You could also bring some color in your journeys for example by visiting Japan, Argentina or Kenya...

U.S. American citizens have to look for other destinations but I think a Jumbo Jet could earn money for them the same way...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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