2014. március 27., csütörtök

Boeing 737 MAX Ecoliner Concept - Extended Sky Interior

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Why do you carry the picture of the General Manager of Airbus on Boeing airplanes? Because you are grateful to Him...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. március 23., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Have You Ever Seen Us Defeated

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me present to you the new Blogging Superstar of The Boeing Company: Miss Brandy Tinseth! The choice was made by the usual procedure of electing a Beauty Queen: questions about environmental protection, the economy of the USA and the future of The Boeing Company (CMO 2014)...

For Brandy, the marketing director of Boeing it was most important to glance in an evening dress, of course...

Here you have some applicants in a swimming dress:

Which Brandy is going to guide you through the eventful life of The Boeing Company actually you can learn at: Boeing.com

Parallel to the above change I would like to announce the title of my new interactive show on YouTube: the VIDEO JET... Higher speed, more intense emotions and more visits to the USA... (Between 2009 and 2014: none...) Check out: YouTube

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. március 20., csütörtök

Boeing 737 MAX Ecoliner Concept - From Prof. Eng. Joseph F. Sutter

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Ecoliner concept (2 full decks and 2 main engines) cannot be only realised in terms of a twin-aisle aircraft but also in terms of a single-aisle aircraft... The result would be a very interesting product of aviation industry...

Even if you design the Boeing 737-800 which is nearly the longest version of the Boeing 737 with 2 full decks the airplane would be only 40 meters long... That means it was able to land at quite small airports, too - delivering lots of passengers... The double-deck version of the Boeing 737-800 could carry over 300 passengers in a nearly single-class configuration (supposedly the lower deck and the upper deck were the same wide that I don't deem impossible) or 240 passengers and an ice-cream machine... Such a passenger capacity is a crucial expectation from any aircraft that wants to be called an Ecoliner because you want to carry many passengers at the same time instead of many flights of smaller airplanes...

It is also expected from an Ecoliner aircraft to have only 2 engines so that it is maximally fuel-efficient and quiet... It is a big question if a Boeing 737 MAX Ecoliner was able with its 2 CFM LEAP engines and 2 full decks to take-off? I think the Ecoliner concept of Mr. Joe Sutter was capable of high-speed taxiing and of taking-off with 2 entirely normal engines because the Boeing 737-700C (where "C" means Convertible because the airplane can be modified even on a daily basis either to carry 140 passengers or 120 passengers and some cargo or only cargo pallets) is still being produced and it can take off also as a freighter aircraft with its usual engines without any further (it only behaves in the air as a freighter in a different way than the passenger version)...

I guess the Boeing 737 MAX Ecoliner had some excellent flight characteristics once in the air because it is with its 2 full decks nothing but a hot air ballon at cruising altitudes so it would be very fuel-efficient and needed an anchor for landing... Naturally as the Boeing 737 MAX is going to replace the Boeing 737 Next Generation I have only thought of the conversion of the Boeing 737 MAX into a full double-deck Ecoliner marvel with the most modern CFM LEAP engines and the advance technology winglets - even if such an Ecoliner will exceed speed limits that I think should be valid for continental flights in general...

"He must have some kerosene in blood..." (JDLM on Prof. Eng. Joseph F. Sutter)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team 

2014. március 18., kedd

Boeing Delivery Room

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Last year I was happy to write a couple of lines about the introduction of the New Boeing Everett Delivery Centre to the public - for larger airplanes like the Boeing 787, the Boeing 777 or the Boeing 747... Today the first and ceremonial measure was taken to expand the Delivery Centre in Seattle, Boeing Field for the Boeing 737, the "world's best selling airplane..."

The 3rd facility of The Boeing Company for the supply of aviation enthusiasts, of airline passengers and of present or future owners of Boeing aircraft is there on the World Wide Web - in terms of the Boeing Store... You can order men's and women's clothes, pins, pudgy stickers (I love them), pens and nearly everything... Let us remain at model aircraft at the moment...

I have got 2 Boeing 747-8 airplanes in front of my room, an Intercontinental and a Freighter... Since then not a single unauthorised person has entered my room... The Jumbo Jets of Boeing lend a certain prestige to the entrance of my room...

Everybody can choose something responding to his or her personality or to the personality of someone you want to give a present to... The Boeing 767 is not available as a snap-together model aircraft now unfortunately, only as a die-cast model that means you have to assemble it by yourself... An "Executive Model" is approx. 2 meters long so if you are a private customer it doesn't only challenge your purse or wallet but your creativity, too - it is best to have a home with an inner yard...


In one of the pictures below you can see a Boeing 767-200 of former Hungarian Airline Malev... In the 1990's and in the 1st decade of 21st Century these airplanes which were used for longer routes naturally used to give me much headache... "Can such airplanes really fly from Budapest to New York? That is a route of 12,000 or 14,000 km..." However these Boeing 767 airplanes were capable to fly on so long distances actually... So Boeing delivers...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. március 9., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Cape Of Good Hope

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I guess most beginning entrepreneurs dream of starting with a little but interesting and useful venture - and they would become industry magnets based on their initial idea one day in a distant future...

I have just read in a Press Release of The Boeing Company that sustainable biofuels produce 50 - 80% less carbon emissions than fossil fuels - that is a big word... Farmers in South Africa could contribute to environmental protection on Planet Earth, while many airline passengers could be the customers of their biofuels... (Somehow environmental protection is strongly connected to altruism, I have this feeling...)

Nowadays when a recession in commercial aircraft industry can be recognised you can only start with a little enterprise... However the growth of sustainable bio-plants could probably develop with commercial aviation that is looking for answers for the future right now...

In the picture below: just the Cape of Good Hope...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

MediaRoom - News Releases/Statements

2014. március 8., szombat

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - My Airline Ticket

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please take a seat and reckon out how much an airline ticket has to cost so that all US American citizens (or let's say out of security reasons: a half of them) spend their weekends abroad...

One thing is sure... Earlier you used to say in a half-way funny manner that "you have to see the shores of Ireland" for example - now such a sentence (...) is going to mean that you are the next one to fly this weekend...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

My Taxi Company

Ladies and Gentlemen,

If a owned a taxi company, first I wanted to make it attractive by so called "quality factors" which mean:

a) comfort and opportunities of individualisation,
b) uniquely affordable prices...

Actually I imagined a fleet of limousines that was owned by me but it was used by my customers... That means my costumers don't have to buy any car, they don't have to pay any taxes after them, they don't have to buy any fuel, they don't have to take the car into a service station or into a car wash, they don't have to pay any insurance and what's more they don't even have to drive the car by themselves - still they can travel in comfortable limousines anywhere and anytime they want...

According to me you don't travel by taxi in inner cities... Either you live there and then you can reach all places quickly on feet, too or you don't live in the inner city still once you are there by subway, train or car you can reach all places of interest on feet, too... Walking is the quickest, healthiest and most environmentally friendly way to move in an inner city and everybody knows it... Therefore it makes the most sense to connect inner cities and garden-cities or suburbs by taxi - if you want to travel by car... That means my taxi company needs to develop conditions and fares which are designed for a realistic taxi usage...

I guess most people travel from a suburb into an inner city in order to work, to do the shopping and to attend school and they also use a taxi in order to get to an airport or to a major railway station when they want to reach distant destinations... As you always travel from a suburb into an inner city regularly it makes a sense to offer a monthly ticket to your customers - with a discount, of course... As all of your family members travel from a suburb into an inner city regularly it also makes a sense to offer a family ticket - with a discount, of course... If you choose only my taxi company when you travel far away from your home by plane or by train it makes a sense to offer an exotic travel ticket - with a discount, of course... Naturally, your discounts could be added to each other at the calculation of a milage fee...

Technically one taxi mobile could only service maximally 2 households when its prices were so irresistible... Let's say the household of an average family and the household of a single man... My taxi company had secure assignments for the entire year while my customers had definitely a more affordable way to travel by a driver's car and to increase their prestige than by an own solution... I would like to use my taxi mobiles on the long run that means one car should accomplish 1 million km before being changed for a new one... As far as I know such a huge running performance is not impossible for cars of non-premium-sellers either - good for me... Technically my taxi company would be a centralised way of traveling by a driver's car instead of individual solutions - and it could mean much revenue both for my customers and for my taxi company...

Once my taxi company is working based on the "quality factors" the so called "multiplication factor" would start to appear...

"Multiplication factor" means that I didn't only have 1 or 2 taxi mobiles in my taxi company but because of the attractive prices and the reputation of my taxi company several ones... After a while my prices could be as attractive (by the increasing number of my taxi mobiles) that in the greater area of the city where my taxi company had its headquarters a major part of commuters chose the services of my taxi company - for ever... A similar balance would be created between (irresistible) price and (irresistible) product to the one when a spacecraft is orbiting a planet - the necessary high speed of the spacecraft would appear as the necessary high number of my taxi mobiles... "Space flight" by taxi mobiles in an urban area would change the life of many citizens there just like real space flight changes the life of a country, on an approximate...

I would like to dedicate this theory to Mrs. Mary King, my personal assistant and to Louis Vuitton...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. március 6., csütörtök

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - The Rebel Of The Skies

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are facing times when the demand for commercial airplanes will be extremely low - you only don't want to forget all the interesting and valuable technologies which make you able to produce flying machines that can carry hundreds of passengers at respectable speeds...

Right now, I have an idea how the number of runways which can serve the largest airplanes as well was able to be increased dramatically...

The solution is quite simple... When you build new highways then you should plan into them as many fully straight sections of a length of 5 km as it is only possible... Among these sections there could be as many curves of the highway as many are necessary... That means a new highway didn't connect 2 cities or other meaningful spots of a country as one continuous band but it consisted of long and straight sections (the built-in runways) and of more or less curved sections... Naturally, you could build such highways only on plain areas where the aircraft whose wings are even wider than a runway were not disturbed by any elements of the countryside...

My idea is about European-style highways where the 2 directions of the road are separated from each other by aluminium barriers (technical separation) and bushes (visual separation)... This way of separating both driving directions from each other could remain in usage on the more or less curved sections, naturally... On the entirely straight sections of a length of 5 km of the highway where airplanes should be able to land another way of separating of the 2 driving directions was needed... Between the 2 sides of the highway there should be a concrete or asphalted ditch of a depth of 20 cm (a result of a computer) in a lively yellow colour... The lively yellow colour would solve the visual separation of both sides (according to me you avoid to look into the direction of the rather disgusting colour) and the ditch of a depth of 20 cm would solve the technical separation, even if it had curved edges (such a deep ditch should catch any limousines and off-roaders would be turned over at highway speeds hopefully - aluminium barriers spike through a car)... When a passenger aircraft tried to land on this long and straight section of a new highway then its front landing gear would run gently into the central ditch with curved edges (as the tyres of a passenger aircraft are much bigger than those of a passenger car) that gave the airplane a soft leading straight forward but the main landing gear in the middle of the passenger aircraft was not harmed at all because of the slight slanting of the aircraft to the front (a result of the computer)... Of course, you would need taxi ways, aprons and hangars next to the built-in runways, too where you were able to store an airplane and several ones, respectively...

Using built-in runway sections of new highways both aircraft of airlines and private jets could much more often take off and land then before (while a highway needed to be closed temporarily during the landing or take-off of an airplane)... This is true both for planned or scheduled flights and emergency landings...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2014. március 2., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Air Force One Ticket And Monthly Ticket

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I very often criticise the Air Force One machines nowadays because they seem to be a Trojan Horse... They are beautiful from the outside, they must be comfortable in the inside and they are technologically advanced, too - so you are too sorry to get rid of them... However the Air Force One machines are no use when it is about solving my travel issues...

The explanation for the limited ability of the Air Force One machines to be deployed among very serious circumstances is quite simple: they are not exactly fighter jets or warplanes but much more fine and solemn private jets for representative tasks only... They are the most sensational airplanes of the world, too at the same time...

That is why I have found out the Air Force One Ticket and Monthly Ticket (the last one for frequent flyers)... Such a ticket would mean a first class ticket for airliners of the most reliable and highly reputed airlines... Its price would be much more affordable than a flight of a private Jumbo Jet of Boeing called Air Force One, the camouflage of passengers holding an Air Force One Ticket would be much better than using a large airplane on their own and by an Air Force One Ticket you could fly between any 2 major city pairs much more frequently and enjoying the benefits of many more flight options than onboard of an airplane that needs to be escorted to an airport by national fighter jets...

So an Air Force One Ticket or Monthly Ticket (for frequent flyers) could mean much more freedom to possible passengers than waiting for the deployment of the established Boeing 747 aircraft... Possible passengers still could be heavily modified by disguising them as a boy-group, as industry tycoons or priests of the Popery in Denver, CO... Air Force One Tickets could be used until the established Jumbo Jets of Boeing can be operated among peaceful circumstances again... The environmental friendliness of flying by an Air Force One Ticket instead of a whole private Jumbo Jet cannot be expressed by words...

"Don't look at the screen of my laptop!" (JDLM)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team