2013. október 19., szombat

New Concorde - Take It Easy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to note down a couple of discoveries that were made in the area of the psychotherapy of men... Though these discoveries are based on the methods and results of traditional psychoanalysis it is not about a further education...

a) for a successful psychotherapy with men you need conversation and verbalisation, of course
b) you need a long-term relationship with male clients, too
c) all men have a very good understanding of psychoanalysis: on the fallic, anal and oral levels
d) male therapists are allowed to have sexual intercourse with their male clients, it is soothing for  male clients and its lack causes nervousness
e) if a male client is longing for a physical object then you have to help him acquire it, he always has a very good reason for longing for that object
f) conversations with male therapists nearly entirely exclude the emergence of a psychosis, a medicinal treatment is only seldom necessary
g) there exists the possibility of having an effect on men by intelligent arguments
h) it doesn't make a sense to argue with men: they live their life and they can offer you something based on their possibilities - either you accept it or you don't
i) emotional health for men: it is equal to regular work, but it shouldn't be too much on a day (10 hours can be a target)
j) an attractive goal of mental development for men: you should rather be kindhearted than intelligent
k) the basic rule of male friendships according to me: all phases of a friendship, both troubles and fun are valuable and enjoyable
l) fathers are entirely similar to mothers, only that they are men

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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