2013. október 30., szerda

New Concorde - Everybody Has His Or Her Own Story

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the past few weeks I had to realise that I am in love with my wife… In secret I write her love letters that she obviously doesn't read…

When we were a young couple it took us many years of psychoanalytic work to find out that our marriage bed which should be situated in a sky-scraper doesn't need a concrete or reinforced concrete foundation…

Now we are discussing if we should sleep in the same bedroom or not… She says she is snoring and my friends are snoring, too so very likely we are going to use separate bedrooms…

We are both working, thank God, I am collecting tax and she is a singer… Despite of that the greatest pleasure in our life is our children…

I grew up as an only-child and it was not such a bad experience still I have to tell you that each and every child of us multiplies our happiness as parents…

I would like to mention the wisdom, too according to which siblings are there to help each other in need if there is no other source of aid…

Still when my wife and me were planning to spend the Holidays finally together I guess we planned it without our children…

You can question what is the secret of a good marriage? In my opinion you must listen to your parents, namely without a spouse you are not quite a grown-up that is why you cannot choose the ideal partner of your life either…

How do I imagine the movie of our life? My wife resurrects in 200 years, but as a vampire, that is how we are going to have different adventures and suffer…

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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