2013. június 23., vasárnap

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Hypersonic Nightmare

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental is capable of reaching a top-speed of 10 Mach that means it can cross the Atlantic Ocean in 1 hour... It can reach from London to Los Angeles in 1.5 hours...

I am afraid that 1 - 1.5 hours of flight cannot be considered as an "experience..." You have got no time to admire the sun-lit or night sky, you cannot enjoy the view of the continents, of the seas or of the oceans beneath you - you cannot even watch a movie to the end, nor can you dine in peace... I would say that hypersonic flights are not enjoyable at all...

Of course, when more and more airplanes become capable of hypersonic speeds the iconic Concorde looses its meaning and function, too... The word "aircraft" would mean a machine like the "spring board" in sports: an airplane can fly as long as an hour - in the rest of time it is unused... (This has been the joke...)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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