2013. január 6., vasárnap

Fairy Tale About Self-Consciousness

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Once upon a time, the 3 billionaires, Röfi, Töfi and Böfi were thinking about the meaning of their life, financial consulting and growth... They assembled the following list:

1) Your opinion about anything shouldn't be offensive or off-topic... This is necessary so that you don't even do all intellectual work in the world...

2) About the military:

a) follow the signs without going crazy,
b) don't communicate with fascists and
c) never ever have sex alone...

This is necessary so that you lead others and not conversely...

3) Basically, you should accept what you are given... Your enemies don't present anything to you...

This is good if you still happen to lose your fortune...

The next story is about Rolls-Royce...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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