2013. január 4., péntek

Fairy Tale About The Oak Tree

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Once upon a time, there were 3 billionaires living in an oak tree, right in the middle of the magic forest... These 3 billionaires had somehow Hungarian names: Röfi, Töfi and Böfi...

The oak tree was extraordinary huge: the 3 billionaires had their own rooms within, with bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room... There was an elevator in the oak tree, too - that's how Röfi, Töfi and Böfi could move between the stories... Between the branches they had hammocks where they could sleep in the summer...

Next to the oak tree, there was a river where the nuclear power plant of the 3 billionaires could cool out... They needed a nuclear power plant because there was a bunker underneath the oak tree... In this bunker there was a full-size swimming pool, a garage, a restaurant and other accommodations, of course... The 3 billionaires had such a bunker because they were a little bit paranoid...

Outside, in the magic forest there were no three-headed dragons, no bears, no volcanos since long... But in the mountains around the magic forest there was a ski-ragion... Röfi, Töfi and Böfi thought: people who are crazy enough to rush down the mountain side at speeds of over 70 km/h are capable of other insane things, too... That's why they had to build the bunker...

Next time, I am going to tell you a story about the missile shield...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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