Ladies and Gentlemen,
For those who don't agree with the last 2 points of my Durable Presidential Program there is legal redress which can relive menacing punishments...
For those who are fully disappointed by me there are my newest ideas for price formation... It is very important that I don't mean any new tax for my family and I don't mean any new charity either but I am thinking of a new way of price formation actually that was more humane than earlier solutions and that was able to have a long future, too (as all science-fiction movies except it)...
Expensive products should cost lots of money... There are people who succeed in earning much money during only a short period of time... Such people think it is intelligent to buy the most expensive products on the market in order to have security, freedom and happiness in their lives... All right! Rich people can make money out of socially acceptable sources, they enjoy collecting and spending money - while they give work to crowds in certain cases...
However cheap products should be available for free - there are 2 good explanations for this way of thinking... But if my companies give volume products for free then I won't be a billionaire which is a pity because I can only realise necessary infrastructural and industrial and agricultural developments if I have oceans of money...
What would make a sense? People who don't have anything (obviously because they cannot afford it as they don't get paid for what they are and what they work) could acquire everything for free what they don't have... A house, a car, an LCD-televison, a refrigerator, 2 weeks of staying at a hotel, a bunch or roses etc. This system would ensure that no one dies because he or she is too poor and thus it would also ensure that no human value goes to waste which is encoded in our various gens, which we learn during our school years or which we were able to make other people happy with... On the other hand it couldn't cost too much to my companies because most people still can find their place in the global society and sooner or later they succeed in working for money as a part of the establishment...
In the pictures below: no places where I belong to but places that I am longing for... Earlier it used to be the policy of my family that "only the strong survive" because we assumed that honest people are strong, as well... Now we have to see in (my entire family) that human destinies are much more complex than the previously mentioned logic suggests and honest people can be subject to lots of suffering, too...
Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team