2013. augusztus 29., csütörtök

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Festivals

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In 10 years I would like to celebrate my birthday with a party open to the general public with the following events:

a) nations' kitchen,
b) group talks,
c) dance workshops,
d) the Air Force One and other famous Jumbo Jet derivates,
e) puppet theatre,
f) the Minister President introduces him- or herself,
g) the projection of one movie of my foster-mother,
i) live concerts,
j) children's corner,
k) everything is bio,
l) honoration of achievements in the field of environmental protection,
m) first aid...

I would like to apologise to the Lord Jesus Christ as well who is only much taller than me when He is standing and I am sitting...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

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