2012. augusztus 29., szerda

The King Of Italy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

During history and before the modern Italian Republic there were many little reigning princes in Italy who must have been at the same time annoying and ridiculous for the people of Italy... Who was a "king" in Italy that everybody acknowledged and respected - obviously the Bishop of Rome...

Once you have a King of Italy you only have to clear 2 things: the relationship of Italy and Germany and the Papal Program of the Pope in Rome...

1) Well, during history Germans seemed to be obsessed with protecting the Popery and even the critical Reformation can be considered as a protection of the values of the Popery... In my opinion Germans can protect the Popery in Rome if they want it so much...

2) The Papal Program should focus clearly on bringing Christianity to a worldwide success... So yes, the Popery should be an enterprise - a non-profit one, of course...

An enterprise means:

2.1.1 security and efficiency,
2.1.2 state-of-the-art technologies and development,
2.1.3 maximum friendliness and respect to others...

What values could the enterprise of the Popery be based on?

2.2.1 spiritual values
2.2.2 emotional values and
2.2.3 scientific values...

The mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ be with the Roman Catholic Church!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. augusztus 23., csütörtök

Rolls-Royce Phantom Aviator Coupé

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In such a beautiful coupé like the RR Phantom Aviator Coupé, couldn't you allow higher RPMs to the 6.75-litre-V12? 600 HP...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. augusztus 9., csütörtök

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - A Bright Future

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The paradox of Zenon does not apply to twin-jets either: you don't have to be afraid that they only fly half of a route and then probably another half again - compared to airliners with 4 jet engines... In fact twin-jets have far less possibilities of failures and much more fuel...

Still the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental seems to have a bright future, too... The 2nd new Jumbo Jet of Lufthansa flew its maiden flight to Delhi on August 8th 2012 and I guess the luxurious airliner did not only carry German passengers to this exotic destination... Such connections must be interesting for air travelers, the connected settlements and for airlines, too...

I have ordered another Airbus A380 model aircraft from the Airbus Shop (I have already 4 Boeing 747s) - as I wanted to spend money on something that makes a sense and I also have a little more place on one of my shelves...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. augusztus 2., csütörtök

The God Particle

Ladies and Gentlemen,

SCIENTIST: expert in or student of one or more of the natural or physical sciences (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

I think you can use the word scientist instead of physicist simply - and this word doesn't cover the whole variety of sciences... The word science-fiction must be related to this usage of the word scientist, too...

So when Pres. Barack Obama talks about the need of learning more "mathematics and science" he does not simplify the world or his speech but he may mean "math and physics..." These branches of science seem to be crucial for the future to me, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. augusztus 1., szerda

2012 - Oeufs Á La Neige

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm having a correspondence with the brother of Czech superstar Pavel Novotny... In English and in French... He is very intelligent, funny and nice... Maybe a little joke from our chat:

"Je t'avais dit de ne pas ouvrir la fenêtre à Mach 7.00 parce que le courant d'air pourrait être inconfortable - mais tu ne m'as pas écouté..."
I think the predictions about the end of the world are a blasphemy and fully unfounded... I don't feel like ending my life - do you?
Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team