2013. november 30., szombat

New Concorde - Airbus Lounge

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Tudod-e, hogy mi a szép?
Az Airbus repülőgép

Örökre megmarad, mert műanyag
És ha szárnyára vesz, megihleti az agyad

Pillekönnyű konstrukció,
Ezzel szoktam takarózni

Mióta S-osztályon járok,
Kevesebbet kell vakarózni

Az Airbusnál nincsen nagyobb
Mégis olyan, mint a luftballon

Uralja az egeket,
És engem is, ha hagyom

Hétköznap is jó vagy,
A legmesszebbre eljutsz

Utaztam én már tevén,
De repülőgép-hordozó anyahajón még nem

(Miért jár feketében A szállító?
Mert halott...)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

New Concorde - Total Artwork

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Olyan vagy te nekem, mint a Boeing
Rózsákat termesz és egyre drágább leszel

Fennen szárnyalsz az égben, a felhők között
És jó rád nézni

Szeretem nézni, ahogy a fagylaltot nyalod
Vagy ahogy levegőt veszel

Néha szétszednélek, de egyben mégis szebb vagy
Lehet fizetni részletekben, és úgy érzem, megvagy

Isten olyan csodásnak alkotott
Hogy te mindig leszel

Nagy vagy és erős, dübörögsz az emberek között
Máskor kedves vagy és lökött, szeretem, ahogy röhögsz

Olyan vagy te, mint a víz: kékre fest téged az ég
Gyere gyorsan hozzám, lehetne belőled vagy tíz

In the pictures below: a national hero...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. november 21., csütörtök

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Stage Fright

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You wouldn't believe that Heaven needs engineering, too… Still the results of The Boeing Company in the past 7 days suggest that a quantum leap in human life is nearing - based at a major part on Boeing technology…

I am most glad to be able to report that Airbus sold as many as 50 examples of their Superjumbo Airbus A380 at the Dubai Air Show and Fair, too…

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Boeing: Happy Anniversary ISS

Boeing: Boeing Statement on President's National Space Transportation Policy

Boeing Launches 777X with Record-Breaking Orders, Strengthens Partnerships in the Middle East at the 2013 Dubai Airshow

2013. november 18., hétfő

Changes In The Strategy Of National Security November 18th 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please consider the changes contained in the pictures below… Or please follow the instructions contained in the pictures below…

The changes affect all countries in an alliance with the United States of America as well, the people of these countries please mind them as well…

Thank you for your cooperation!

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. november 16., szombat

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Solutions For Everything

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Recently, I have been looking for my mother (see in Wikipedia) at The Boeing Company - she has been there… She is healthy and wealthy and available as always…

What else did I find at Boeing?

career (see in Wikipedia)
love (see in Wikipedia)
the USA (see in Wikipedia)
fun (see in Wikipedia)

Now that technical research and development are declining at The Boeing Company, I have decided to continue in the entertaining industry (Hollywood)… Here you have the latest from NSYNC:

(It is not NSYNC that I like but it is Modern Talking…)

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. november 1., péntek

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Confirmation Of Order

Hi, Joseph,

Congratulations to your purchase with The Boeing Company… Here you have the details of your order:

Buyer: Around The World Airline, Versailles, Kentucky, USA
Managing Director: Joseph de la Mikula, born July 2nd 1975, Brooklyn NYC

Item(s): 30 firm Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental airplanes

Livery: Blue Clouds Livery

Optional equipment: Earth view camera system, cargo space winter garden, SkyLoft

Item price: USD 400,000,000.00 + VAT

Grand total: USD 12,000,000,000.00 + VAT

Delivery: Everett Delivery Centre

Your credit card will be only debited at the delivery of your machines…

You can track your order at: Boeing.com

Thank you for your order and we wish you do business with our airplanes to your passengers' and company's greatest satisfaction…

"See the greater picture…" (Yehuda Berg)

Best regards, The Boeing Company

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Confirmation Of Order

Hi, Joseph,

Congratulations to your purchase with The Boeing Company… Here you have the details of your order:

Buyer: Gay World Airline Inc., Versailles, Kentucky, USA
Managing Director: Joseph de la Mikula, born July 2nd 1975, Brooklyn NYC

Item(s): 5 firm Boeing 747-8 Freighter airplanes

Livery: GWA Cargo Livery

Optional equipment: front cargo door

Item price: USD 352,000,000.00 + VAT

Grand total: USD 1,760,000,000.00 + VAT

Delivery: Everett Delivery Centre

Your credit card will be only debited at the delivery of your machines…

You can track your order at: Boeing.com

Thank you for your purchase and we wish you doing business with our airplanes to your requestors' and company's greatest satisfaction…

"Life is but a dream!" (JDLM)

Best regards, The Boeing Company

Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental - Confirmation Of Order

Hi, Joseph,

Congratulations to your purchase with The Boeing Company… Here you have your order's details:

Buyer: Gay World Airline Inc., Versailles, Kentucky, USA
Managing Director: Joseph de la Mikula, born July 2nd 1975, Brooklyn NYC

Item(s): 10 firm Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental airplanes

Livery: GWA Discreet Livery

Optional equipment: lounge, onboard video chat system, SkyLoft

Item price: USD 352,000,000.00 + VAT

Grand total: USD 3,520,000,000.00 + VAT

Delivery: Everett Delivery Center

Your credit card will be only debited at the delivery of your machines…

You can track your order at: Boeing.com

Thank you for your purchase and we wish you doing business with our airplanes to your passengers' and company's greatest satisfaction…

"Building airplanes is our passion!" (Boeing)

Best regards, The Boeing Company