2013. február 23., szombat

Resurrection 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When it is about resurrection the most difficult problem is to secure the life of our beloved ones returning to life... Resurrection doesn't only mean happiness but many tasks as well:

a) you have to give a living place to those who are alive again and
b) you have to give a working place to the risen, too...

Both individually and socially creating working places is much more difficult... I am very sorry but you tend to repress this question although mankind has to solve this problem when Jesus Christ returns to Earth... Perhaps you could even prepare the life of the resurrected ones already before Jesus Christ appears among us...

I have just found out where is the paradox:

a) you can prepare the life of your beloved ones because you know approx. what a modern human needs but
b) you don't know what anybody wants to work in the future...

Except the ones passed away are going to resurrect according to their professions in groups... For example:

a) agriculture,
b) computer science (our age),
c) military,
d) entertainment industry (our age) etc.

I must have meant in the past that you can predict the development of working places according to your theories... For example, if there is the new theory about relativity then mankind is going to build nuclear power plants in the future... Or if you recognise the importance of environmental protection then many new branches of industry will be needed in the future...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. február 17., vasárnap

2013 - The Cataclysm Goes On

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The question may be prompted what kind of a foundation does such a Walmart have? It must be some very strong reinforced concrete, hopefully as a continuous panel under the whole building...

You may also ask what kinds of furniture you can buy at Walmart? Obviously, you can buy both modern and classical style furniture - both can be valuable...

Finally, how big is a Rolls-Royce compared to an average Walmart? This is also difficult to say because a Rolls-Royce can have different sizes, too...

Despite of the many uncertainties I wish you a Happy New Year and don't care about anything but the Gospel...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. február 9., szombat

Fairy Tale About India

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Elevated One started to explain the Teaching:

Vunde gurunam caranaravinde
Sandarsita svatma sukhavabodhe
Nihsreyase jangalikayamane
Sansara halahala moha santyai
Hala, hala

Ahahu purusakaram sankha cakrasi
Ahahu purusakaram sankha cakrasi
Dharinam dharinam sahasra sirasam
Dharinam dharinam sahasra sirasam

Röfi, Töfi and Böfi were singing this:

Om shanti, Om shanti
Shanti, shanti
Shantay Om

Om shanti, Om shanti
Shanti, shanti
Shantay Om

The Elevated One went on with the explanation:
Vunde gurunam caranaravinde
Sandarsita svatma sukhavabodhe
Nihsreyase jangalikayamane
Sansara halahala moha santyai
Hala, hala

Ahahu purusakaram sankha cakrasi
Ahahu purusakaram sankha cakrasi
Dharinam dharinam sahasra sirasam
Dharinam dharinam sahasra sirasam

Röfi, Töfi and Böfi repeated:

Om shanti, Om shanti
Shanti, shanti
Shantay Om

Om shanti, Om shanti
Shanti, shanti
Shantay Om

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. február 4., hétfő

The Magic Of Rolls-Royce - February 4th 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dream and reality are an eternal subject with Rolls-Royce, too... For those who want to give more expression to their personality there is the Bespoke program of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2013. február 3., vasárnap

The Magic Of Aston Martin - February 3rd 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have just learned how useful creatures warships are... Here you have the reasons:

1) Representation:

a) warships represent comradeship,
b) warships represent security and
c) warships represent freedom...

2) Of course, warships have got duties, too:

a) the research of human boundaries,
b) the prevention of war and
c) scientific research...

3) I think it is necessary to continue these beautiful traditions on the interstellar spacecraft of the future, too...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team