2012. július 27., péntek

2012 Summer Olympic Games In London - Hungary

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"They flight has been marvelous this far... But I am afraid of landing in wild-romantic Hungary..."
"Be relaxed... Our pilot could land this machine even on a handkerchief..."

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. július 18., szerda

Rich Harvest

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Eternal life begins with faith in the Lord Jesus... Community is most beautiful probably... Such as growing in faith and learning... There is time to remember and there is time to forget...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

2012. július 6., péntek

Rolls-Royce Experimental Electric - Waftability

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Fully electric vehicles are often compared to fork lifts because of their limits in top speed and range... I think the comparison is very good: even the RR 102 EX with its unmatched elegance and luxury is a heavy-duty vehicle...

You want to rule the city, your work-place and red-carpet-events with your car... You need an uniterrupted connection between your villa in a suburb and the metropolis with its shops, restaurants, offices and cultural high-lights... You want all this with maximum comfort and individuality... That is a heavy-duty Rolls-Royce, not one for only pleasant week-ends... Of course, you want your heavy-duty Rolls-Royce with fully electric drive and zero emissions...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team